"The child"Written by Munshi Prem Chand (Question answers )
Long questions answers Q1.How does the story the child treat the question of morality by Premchand? Ans= But Gangu was very generous. The narrator tried hard to provoke him against Gomati but he was firm in his love. He accepted the child as a gift from the god. Finally, seeing Gangu's feeling and generosity, the narrator was touched and offered his blessing to the baby. Q2.How does Gangu convince the narrator about the character of Gomti? Ans:= "The Child' is a beautiful story by the famous writer, Munshi Premchand. He brought a new sense of social awareness in people through is novels and short stories. He is respected as an outstanding short story writer "The child' is a story which is narrated by the narrator who is a generous, rich man. Gangu was one of the servants who served his master. Gangu was a Brahmin. He was different from many other servants in the household. He was away from all the vices. Of course he showed no characteristics of an ideal Brahmin. ...